Stove Care and Safety Tips
According to the local stove repair specialist, the very best stove maintenance tip is keeping it clean. Keeping the stove top clean is not just important for appearances, but safety too. Cleaning the stove top is certainly a laborious activity, so precautionary upkeep is the ideal answer. Right here are some helpful stove care hints:
Sponge all spills as soon as possible and if necessary, clean the top of the stove before food preparation to stop debris from getting cooked onto the surface, making the job even more challenging
Always keep electric and gas burners immaculate. Clean burners generate heat better so they will work more efficiently. Food and debris on or inside the burner could be a fire threat.
Switch off electric burners two to three minutes before cooking is done to let the remaining heat finish the job.
Work with a pan that fits the burner. The proper size pot or pan will deliver heat more efficiently, and a lot less energy will be thrown away heating the air.
Replace drip pans if they get permanently stained
Food debris or cooking oil build up can be a major fire risk. When ignored, a poorly maintained stove top will end up being pretty much impossible to clean and return to new condition. Many foods can mar the coating and produce rust and deterioration. Always keeping it clean is the ideal way to maintain its looks.
Last but not least…do not attempt to repair the stove yourself; call 609-683-7171 to schedule appliance service by the Appliance Master® of Princeton!